Related projects

The LISE package

Solvers for static and time-dependent nuclear problems by means of  local density approximation method in three dimensions. For more details see: arXiv:2009.00745

Extension of W-SLDA Toolkit to Bose-Fermi mixtures

[Ongoing] Aim is this project is to extend W-SLDA Toolkit towards Bose-Fermi mixtures.

Extension of W-SLDA Toolkit to Fermi-Fermi systems (nuclear matter)

[Ongoing] Aim is this project is to extend W-SLDA Toolkit towards Fermi-Fermi mixtures, and implementing BSk functional for modeling nuclear matter.

PyPi W-data Format

Python library for working with and manipulating the W-data format used for analyzing superfluid data generated by W-SLDA. For more info see wdata 0.1.0.

Eigenvalue SoLvers for Petaflop-Applications (ELPA)

Static variants of W-SLDA codes exploit capabilities of ELPA diagonalization library. To learn more about ELPA library see here.


It is GitLab repository that provides links to open-source software related to ultracold atomic systems.


W-Tools is collections of tools for solving and analyzing problems related to fermionic superfluidity.