Quantum turbulence, superfluidity, non-Markovian dynamics, and wave function thermalization
A. Bulgac, M. Kafker, I. Abdurrahman, G. Wlazłowski,
Quantum turbulence, superfluidity, non-Markovian dynamics, and wave function thermalization,
Phys. Rev. Research 6, L042003 (2024) [arXiv:2406.00926].
Reproducibility packs are accessible via Zenodo repository, record 13959440.
Here, we report on the microscopic treatment of the real-time dynamics of an initial ensemble of quantized vortices and anti-vortices, with no phonons, at zero temperature, in a Unitary Fermi Gas (UFG). We follow the system in time until ``thermalization'' is achieved, and a clear non-Markovian evolution of the single particle occupation probabilities is observed.