Dynamical signature of vortex mass in Fermi superfluids

Scenario considered in the paper: superfluid (blue) confined in a disk-like trap and hosting an off-centered vortex whose core is filled by a normal component (orange).
A. Richaud, M. Caldara, M. Capone, P. Massignan, G. Wlazłowski
Dynamical signature of vortex mass in Fermi superfluids,
Data underlying this study are accessible via Zenodo repository, record 13359628.
Here, we show that, in Fermi superfluids, the normal component confined in the vortex core provides the vortex with a finite inertial mass. This inertia imparts an unambiguous signature to the dynamic behavior of vortices, specifically manifesting as small-amplitude transverse oscillations, which remarkably follow the prediction of a simple point-like model supplemented by an effective mass. We demonstrate this phenomenon through large-scale time-dependent simulations of Fermi superfluids, via the W-SLDA Toolkit, across a wide range of interaction parameters at both zero and finite temperatures and for various initial conditions. Our findings pave the way for exploring inertial effects in superfluid vortex dynamics.