
Extension to nuclear matter in neutron stars

The W-SLDA Toolkit has been expanded to encompass nuclear systems, now available as the W-BSk Toolkit.

Unified solvers for static and time-dependent problems

W-SLDA Toolkit provides a unified framework for solving:

  • static problems (st-wslda solvers)
  • time-dependent problems (td-wslda solvers)

Dimensionalities of problems: 3D, 2D and 1D

W-SLDA allows to solve problems

  • in 3D without any symmetry restrictions:  Ψ=φ(x,y,z)                       
  • in 2D with translational invariance along  z direction:  Ψ=φ(x,y)exp(ikzz)                          
  • in 1D with translational invariance along  y and z directions::  Ψ=φ(x)exp(ikyy)exp(ikzz)

Functionals for studies of BCS and unitary regimes

W-SLDA allows investigating properties of fermionic in the whole spectrum of interaction strengths:

  • Weakly interacting regime (BCS regime) by means of Bogoliubov-de Gennes equations (BdG). 
  • The strongly interacting regime, (UFG limit), by means of Superfluid Local Density Approximation (SLDA).
  • An arbitrary value of askF from BCS to UFG, by means of Extended Superfluid Local Density Approximation (SLDAE)

Speed-up calculations by exploiting High Performance Computing

W-SLDA is designed to exploit capabilities of leadership-class supercomputers.

Depending on the type of the code the toolkit can be executed on:

  •  static codes: standard CPU machines, GPU accelerated machines,
  •  time-dependent codes: only GPU accelerated machines.

To learn more about a computer that you need for calculations see Requirements

Integration with VisIt: visualization, animation and analysis tool

W-SLDA is integrated with the open-source VisIt tool. It allows for:

  • visualizing 3D, 2D and 1D results,
  • data processing,
  • creating animations for time-dependent simulations.

Solvers for spin symmetric and spin imbalanced systems

W-SLDA Toolkit  can solve problems

  • with imposed spin symmetry (Na=Nb)
  • with broken spin symmetry (Na≠Nb) where exotic superfluid phases may arise (like LOFF state)

Zero temperature and finite temperature

W-SLDA allows for studies of systems in zero temperature as well as in finite temperatures.

Template based model of programming

W-SLDA exploits template based model of programming.
User starts with template of a project where items like external potential, external pairing potential, external velocity must be provided in C language.

Solvers for mass imbalanced Fermi-Fermi mixtures

W-SLDA Toolkit  can solver problems for mass imbalanced systems (functionality available only in static codes). This functionality allows for exploration of phase diagram of Fermi-Fermi mixtures.

Extensions supporting computation and data analysis process

W-SLDA Toolkit provides flexible way of constructing custom codes that support computation and data analysis process.

Results reproducibility

W-SLDA Toolkit assures results reproducibility